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Moroccan Hand-Painted Tiles: A Canvas of Artistry

Step into the enchanting world of Moroccan hand-painted tiles, where each piece is a testament to centuries-old craftsmanship and artistic expression. Because these tiles are meticulously crafted by skilled artisans, they bring a unique story to your space.

A Rich History

For instance, the art of Moroccan zellij dates back to the 10th century, flourishing during the Hispano-Moorish period in the Maghreb and Andalusia (modern-day Spain). The Marinids further democratized this art, introducing vibrant shades of blue, green, and yellow alongside the traditional natural tones of white and brown. Fez remains the heart of this craft, as the clay used for Moroccan tiles primarily comes from this city.

Types of Moroccan Tiles

As a result, there are various tile types. Cement tiles typically feature geometric motifs, while glazed terracotta tiles allow for hand-painted designs. These hand-painted tiles offer endless possibilities—you can even create your own custom patterns. Draw your desired design, and skilled craftsmen will bring it to life on the tiles.

The Making Process

Because the process is 100% traditional and manual, it preserves the authenticity of Moroccan tiles. The clay, mainly sourced from Fez, undergoes molding, drying, and firing. For hand-painted tiles, the pattern is applied before the second firing, using the classic poncif method. Women artisans skillfully enhance the tiles with glazing, adding shine and enhancing the intricate patterns.

Embrace the artistry and elegance of Moroccan hand-painted tiles—because your space deserves nothing less than extraordinary craftsmanship.